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Grinding vs Shot Blasting: The Right Method for Floor Preparation

Shot Blasting Machine

If you’re going to get the most out of your workspace, eventually you’ll want to apply a new epoxy or urethane coating. Any industrial or warehouse setting can benefit from the improved safety and sanitary conditions that a freshly sealed and coated floor can provide. However, there’s little point to this sort of upgrade if the floor isn’t prepared in advance. Before you can coat your concrete surface, you’ll have to decide between grinding and shot blasting your floor. Before researching surface preparation contractors in New England, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Shot Blasting

Shot blasting is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. A machine fires steel balls at the floor’s surface, dislodging any coatings, and crushing the concrete’s top layers. The device used for shot blasting has its own debris collection device, enabling it to collect most of the shot to be used again, as well as dust and any contaminants which can then be disposed of.

Pros and Cons of Shot Blasting

Shot blasting is a chemical-free process, that only produces non-hazardous dust which can be easily disposed of. This makes it particularly beneficial in businesses where there’s food preparation or sensitive areas in factories where the use of chemicals is undesirable. A variety of abrasives can be used, so it’s an effective means of preparing concrete floors in both indoor and outdoor environments. It’s also a relatively quick process so that you can coat your floor in a shorter time. The heat generated from shot blasting can cause some surfaces to become sticky, and it’s only effective at removing 2 to 3 mm of screed or 1 mm of epoxy. Also, edges near walls can be difficult to reach, so extra care needs to be taken in these areas.

Diamond Grinding

With the assistance of pads or discs coated in industrial-grade diamonds, grinding machines can abrade concrete surfaces to remove layers of concrete and contaminants. Professionals will have dust collection systems on hand or use machines with dust collection built in to keep the process as tidy as possible.

Grinding Floor

Pros and Cons of Diamond Grinding

Diamond grinding can remove thicker layers more comprehensively than shot blasting. The result is a clean environment and a striking marble-like quality to your concrete floors. To achieve this effect, however, requires a longer process, and can be expensive if thick layers need to be removed because pads and discs can become worn down and replaced. Also, because the process requires direct contact with the floor (as opposed to the firing of shot), diamond grinding machines can become damaged if they come into contact with metal bolts or studs embedded within the concrete.

Sometimes to achieve the best results, companies that specialize in advanced surface preparation in New England will use a combination of both diamond grinding and shot blasting. If you’re unsure of which type of preparation is best for your business, call the experts at Advanced Prep Coat, and they’ll make sure you receive the ideal type of surface preparation for your needs. Give them a call today!

Sandblasting & Surface Coating throughout the Northeast and Beyond since 1998.