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Polished Concrete: The Latest Trend in Floor Restoration

Polished concrete

There was a time when the whole notion of concrete was that it was a material that was something purely functional. Great for sidewalks and driveways, but concrete wasn't the kind of thing you'd want in your home. Boy, have times changed! These days polished concrete floors are used as a selling point in homes and apartments throughout the country. It's all part of the loft style that has grown so popular. Along with exposed bricks and pipes, polished concrete has a look of modern sophistication that is now in heavy demand with most homeowners. Concrete must be prepared right, however, and requires the work of the best concrete surface preparation contractors in New England to really pull it off.

It's Affordable

One of the aspects of concrete that used to be considered a negative was its affordability. After all, if it's inexpensive, how nice can it be? Thankfully, people don't feel that way any more. In fact, in spite of its popularity, concrete is usually available for as little as $2 per square foot. The price will go up from there based on the types of materials the installers are using, and the difficulty of the installation, but the fact remains that concrete is one of your most affordable flooring options.

Concrete floor

It's Versatile

The most common look of concrete is of the big, simple gray slab. This isn't a knock. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of high-end restaurants and apartments are popular precisely because of this modern style of flooring. However, if the single color slab doesn't work for you, concrete can be poured into individual sections to resemble the look of individual tiles. It can be stamped with a texture to resemble wood floors, or decorated with prominently placed aggregate to mimic the look of granite. You can either show off your concrete, or have it stand in as the material of your choice so that guests won’t even know it’s concrete. The possibilities are practically endless.

It's Customizable

The sheer variety of looks that are available in concrete means you can use this material for every room in your house, and no two floors will look the same. In one room your floors can look like wood, while in the bathroom it can be adorned with black and white squares to resemble a more common bathroom tile. All the while you can keep your living room in the traditional gray slab coloration. If you're worried about concrete appearing cold and impersonal, don't be. Decorating your living room with area rugs, and outfitting your furniture with throws and throw pillows not only serve to warm up the room, they keep sound from bouncing around the house, so you won't have to worry about any echoing effect resulting from the use of concrete. Also, due to the neutral look of gray concrete, it will blend seamlessly with any style of interior decorating you choose. It will fit in naturally without constraining any future options whenever you’re ready to mix it up.

For any more questions regarding concrete coating surface preparation in New England, don't hesitate to contact Advanced Prep Coat, Inc.

Sandblasting & Surface Coating throughout the Northeast and Beyond since 1998.